26novmber07,first day of camp.went to meet my clique at ang mo kio mrt station.most of them were late but still manage to be in school on time.reached school,sit at the parade square waiting mr chia to give instruction.afterthat went to the classroom to put our things and went to pe room to take mattress for us to sleep on.then jacklyn group us into 3 groups.and i was in gela monster.after grouping we played dog and bone and catching.then we have early lunch.went to opposite coffeshop and eat with 3 clique.after eating,went back to school to play poker cards.mr chia wanted to start the game but was raining heavily.when the rain stopped and we have scavenge hunt.my group chose julia as our leader.and we started to look for the things in the list.some of us went round the school finding some went out of school to look for it.we were 2nd among the 3 groups.afterthat went to return all the things that we borrowed.then we rest into the classroom to rest.and benson asked us to help out putting water into the plastic bag as we going to play waterbombs.afterthat went to netball court and murray throw one on us but not sucess.so i threw back and he was half wet.we waited for the seniors to come and all the group throw most of them on the seniors.and when most of us waterbombs are use seniors revenge.and after revenge we clean up the place and went for dinner.went dinner with seniors and clique at sumo house.afterthat head back to went for night walk.walk,gossip and jokes around till we reached somerset.trained back to amk and walk back to school.some seniors that graduate last year came.went bath and played poker cards.and around 3am.cindy and julia thought us how to play polar bear.played awhile and all of us slept.wake up around 7am and went for breakfast opposite coffeeshop.afterthat julia and cindy joined us.went back to school and packed our things and bused to east coast.reached east coast put our things and run 2km and it's our free time.and it's going to rain so julia suggested to go to the food court to wait for the rain to start and stop.not all the store are open so we slack there.and we play polar bear.and dominic joined in.after a few game,we were all hungry so we went to buy our food and eat.after eating mr chia came and have lunch,we all decided to wait for mr chia and we played polar bear again.went back to the beach and gather in our group and played dong and bone.my group keep on losing.then we play gu niang game and frog game.and we was all trick by dalton as he called us to stand in one straight row and caled us say the thing.and step one step forward.and when we say finish the seniors splash water on us.and we got up.and all of us push all the seniors down.went to changed and bused back.bath and went to help out for bbq.and bbq food for seniors.when all of us done eating,we packed and went back to the room and wait for seniors to call us to go to the hall to play captainball with old bird.and we when up to play and we won the old bird.afterthat bath again.when to classroom play asshole taiti and taiti.and all of us was tired and sleep.around 8.15am woke up and gather at the parade square and take photo and also give out prizes for top 2.my group was in the 3rd place.and went home.here are some photo taken during the camp.

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