in the morning, i help my mummy to make carrot cake. after that, we went to meet sis at bishan and aunt jenny came along. we went to shop around and bought a packet of candies in mini toons which exceeded the amount when sis and me decided on. after that, we went dining in sakae, and sis complained that she didnt ate anything since morning after her exams. the server heard and let us in to sit and wait for the buffet to start. the server explained the new menu and pricing on the food and the buffet. we started eating and ordering. mummy and aunt jenny were chatting away, while sis and me kept eating and eating and taking lots of pictures like nobody business . mummy and aunt jenny stopped eating. sis kept on ordering food on the computer and i was like looking at her dazely, that she still could fill her stomach with more food. we ordered our mochi and fruits. the mochi was damn freezing cold that we had to eat slowly and wont freeze our teeth and gums. we trained down to amk hub as sis want to see her things, and we walked around amk area. we walked together with aunt jenny to board the train and we boarded the bus home.
here are some pictures that we took out of 50 pictures:
wearing sis shades

eating sushi
looking at the cam

sis eating
eyes looking blankly

looking at the cam.

refelction of us
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