it's the last training in december. *super happy* training was the same but murray came back for captain's ball. after training had lunch and catch YES MAN with aiwei victor and murray. initially we wanted to watch twilight but murray had catch it. the movie was hilarious, worth watching.

went shopping with aiwei. sorry for being late. walked around the whole suntec and marina square but there's nothing to buy. in the end went to bishan and sis joined us and they both got their stuff but poor me had nothing. after aiwei left, sis and me went pastamania for dinner. afterthat shopped around again and trained back to amk and went amk hub. i saw a very nice dress but i don't have enough cash with me.*frowns* walked back home with sis afterthat.

today is chirstmas eve. doesn't have any plan yet. i want to catch all these movies!

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